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同時期よりクラシックバレエ、琉球舞踊とテクニトーンを習う。それぞれの経験が独特のリズム感の基礎となる。17歳で単身渡米、留学先の高校でJazz Choir(コーラス隊)に所属。本場のボイストレーニングを受け歌唱法を学ぶ。地元のゴスペル隊にも所属。それぞれの活動でコンテストやイベント等に参加。社会人を続ける傍らソロのJazz Vocalを竹中ひろみ氏、音楽理論を加藤泉氏に師事。様々なミュージシャンと共演経験を重ね影響を受ける。
2021年10月、初のアルバム「The Okinawa Hours」をリリース。故郷沖縄の歌をジャズピアノトリオの演奏にのせ歌いあげた本作は意欲作。([ジャズ批評] 2021年12月号掲載)
Born in Naha, Okinawa.
Influenced by her Western music-loving mother and song-loving father, she grew up listening to jazz and American oldies from childhood. At the same time, she learned classical ballet, Okinawan traditional dance, and electronic organ (Technitone).
At the age of 17, she moved to the Billings Montana, U.S. and joined the Jazz Choir while enrolled in Billings West High. She received authentic voice training and learned how to sing jazz. She also belonged to a gospel choir at a local church. Participated in contests and events in each activity.
Came back to Japan and learnt solo jazz vocal with Hiromi Takenaka and music theory with Izumi Kato. She has performed with various musicians and has been influenced by them. In 2012, she started performing at jazz clubs in Tokyo. Due to work commitments, she took a temporary hiatus and restarted her activities at the end of 2019.
Her voice has a duality of elongated, crystal clear voice and husky tone that captivates audiences. In October 2021, she released her first album "The Okinawa Hours". This ambitious album features songs from her hometown Okinawa, sung with a jazz piano trio. (-Jazz Criticism-, issued December 2021 ) The album has received favorable reviews for its unique and unprecedented view of the music.